Jason's blog


Thursday, March 09, 2006

The greatest person I know

Since I created this blog in December, I've talked about my own experiences and things that amuse, anger, or baffle me. And I have enjoyed sharing my thoughts to you all.

But today, er, tonight, I have decided to write about something else. Someone I have not yet mentioned in this space, but someone who deserves to have an entire book written about her. She has done more for me than anyone else, and she means the world to me.

My mother.

I know everyone says this about their mother, but I will say it about mine: She is the best mother in the world. Caring. Supportive. Loving. A peacemaker. A role model. The list goes on. Mrs. D is the greatest person I know, and I want to thank her for everything she has done for me and the rest of our family.

I received a package in the mail yesterday from her, which completely surprised me. But I like surprises. It reminded me of my college days when she would send me care packages, cards, and postcards in the mail. Because we all loved to get mail in college! Anyway, I brought the package into the kitchen and examined its contents. There were homemade cookies, some pasta (wheat of course :) ) soup, mint milanos (one of my guilty pleasures), cans of tuna, pouches of salmon, and a few other things. Oh, and she also included a book I had asked her to send me.

Staring at all of these items on the counter, I couldn't help but feel so thankful to have a mother that cares about me this much. I moved away from Massachusetts in July 2005 and although I have only seen my family a few times since, I still feel like I live close to them. Sometimes I call my mother on the phone without anything to say ... I just like to hear her voice and say hello.

My mother's good deeds go beyond the family though. During the Christmas season, she is the director of the Holiday Helper Program in our hometown. This program provides needy families with food, money, and presents during Christmas. I remember over the years when I would help pack up boxes of food for each family, divide presents up for the children, and even make ribbons for plastic bags that held hats and gloves.

But it all goes back to mom. Ma. Mother. My mother.

I don't think I've said this to my mother in quite some time, so I'll say it here: I love you mom. You are the greatest thing that ever happened to me and I am so thankful to have you. Remember when I broke my collarbone and you stayed home with me? We played Dr. Mario on Nintendo to pass the time. How about the sinus infection I had freshman year in college? I drove home that week and you took care of me. Or when the Red Sox won the World Series and I couldn't get the champagne bottle open because I was shaking so much?

Your birthday is more than a month away and Mother's Day even further out, but I just wanted to say thank you for everything. Thank you for being you.



At 10:44 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Oh Jas, now I am crying.
Its true you have one wonderful family. You always have. Your mom, dad and sisters are some of my most favorite people on this earth.
I am not at all surprised that she sent you that nice care package. She is just like that, she always remembers everything for Hannah, and she hasnt even got to meet her yet.
I remember talking to her one day on the phone and Kate had just broken up with a long time boyfriend and she was saying "between the two of us, I think we ran out of tissues" I remember thinking, mental note- I want to be that kind of mom, this was before baby.
When I brought Adam to Mass to meet the Devaney family, your mom was like "well, of course you are staying with us!" And we had the BEST time, but we always do.
I love all of you and even though we dont all get together as much as we want, its like no time ever goes by.
I look forward to our next time together so much. Hopefully this summer we can come up to the beach house.
Wow, that post really got me. I certainly hope when my little ones grow up, they thing the same thing about me.
I know I do with my mom! And yours!

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think there's a single person out there who wouldn't be touched by Jason's post.

Well, maybe except Staci Keanan and only because she didn't have a mother. She had her two dads, Paul Reiser and Greg Evigan.

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Going Jas....that blog will get your mom, kate and Al all going!!! Pass the tissues :o)

At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Jason hope you have a great day!

from christopher selfridge

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Jas... You sure know how to make a girl cry. You know how I feel about you and how lucky I am to have you in my life. Love Ya!!

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why on earth would you put a comment like that? Are you kidding me??

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Whoever left that inappropriate comment, NEVER EVER post here again. Your trash is not welcome on my site.

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was such a nice thing to post! It is really great that you have such a wonderful relationship with your mom!


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