Blog ideas
Jason's Blog receives hundreds of emails every day from dedicated fans. Being a good sport, I go through all of these emails and respond to each and every one of them. Why? Because I care. I don't write in this space for myself. No, I write it for the loyal members of Jason's Blog Nation.
Ok so that was slightly inaccurate. I don't receive hundreds of emails every day. But if I did, I think the No. 1 question would be, "Almightly Jason, how do you create such wonderful columns and where do these ideas come from?" Do you wanna know? I'll tell you.
If I am driving down the road and see something funny, I'll say to myself, "I should write a blog on that." Like last week when I went to Starbucks before work. My latest Starbucks drink is a decaf, grande, light whip, skim milk, cinnamon dolce latte (yes, it is really that long). But once in a while, I just want to have a coffee. A black decaf with a few sprinkles of cinnamon. When the guy at the counter asked me what I wanted, I said "tall decaf please." The dude looked at me funny, as if to say, "Coffee? You want a coffee? Nobody drinks just coffee anymore!" I thought that was funny.
I find it very humorous that I think about this blog all the time. Whatever I do, wherever I go, I look for things to write about. I guess that's a good thing though because I am working on my creative writing skills.
While listening to Sean Hannity on the radio, I feel like writing about the whole damn show. That guy is a genius and I love his conservative ways. On today's show, he played some clips of Ted Kennedy on the Senate floor sounding like a complete moron. I thought it was hilarious! The guy that comes on after Hannity calls Kennedy "the Cape Cod Orca."
And "24?" Yeah. I could write about that show all day every day and not grow tired of it. But I know some of you would, so I'll try to keep the "24" stuff to a minimum. Tonight's show was insane though! When Jack held that knife to Cummings' face and got the info. out of him, that was freekin awesome. I get so pumped watching that show.
Before I lose all of you, there is one more thing I'd like to say. To this date, I have made a whopping $1.85 from the ad clicks and google searches on this site. Yes! Do you even know what I could buy with that kind of cash? That's like 18 York Peppermint Patties @ $.10 each. Or I could purchase seven packs of Juicy Fruit. If I really want to splurge, that would get me an extra extra extra extra extra extra small popcorn at the movie theatre. Hold the butter please.
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